Your Genius Archetype pair is....


The Mind Channel

Your Genius is birthed in the Mind channel of archetypes:
Saboteur, Magician, Alchemist, Devilish Disruptor

Domains: Time, Magic, Evidence, Mind, Intuition

Element: Air

Numerology:  0, 1, 8

The Saboteur archetype is your Shadow. You tend to overthink things and analyze all the details way too much. You hunt for evidence of whether something will work out before leaping, and have trouble hearing your own intuition. You doubt your ideas, comparing them to the past or some other logical outcome, ultimately killing the magic and magnetism. This archetype is your mental jail that doesn’t allow you to move forward and creates analysis paralysis.

The Magician archetype is your Power. When in your power, you are the ultimate performer. You have mind-blowing ideas and a very powerful intuition. You know what the crowd wants from you and you aren’t afraid to offer it up. Word starts to spread about your energy and you start being invited to speak and share your story on multiple platforms that continues to grow your magnetic field. You can collapse time easily and create transformation in others with a flick of your wand.

Zodiac: Leo

Celestial: Sun

The Alchemist archetype is your Genius. When this unlocks, you won’t be swayed by “timing” outside of you anymore. No calendar, no upcoming payment, no outside commitment will have the power to stress you out about achieving your goals or your purpose. You will become the raw Genius frequency we truly need in this world; you will offer up the ideas – almost otherworldly ideas – to help us think outside of the box so we can really shine through as our own Genius in this world.

Zodiac: Scorpio

Celestial: Pluto

The Devilish Disruptor archetype is your creative energy. This is the final layer of this channel – the “God Tone” if you will. Unlocking this will help you become the master clock – the one who will guide us on when EXACTLY is the right time to move on something, or to pursue a goal. You will know when to wait and be still, and when to move. You will gather so much magic and energy while still, that once you do move, the impact is massive, and your energy starts to change the world on a large scale.

Zodiac: Capricorn

Celestial: Saturn

Business Alchemy School

Ready to dive deeper into how the Saboteur archetype specifically shows up in your life, and how to transform her energy through alchemy into the higher archetypes?

Join the Business Alchemy School experience and get access to my entire archetype map, mastermind calls, training vault and more to turn you into a Master Alchemist who can create wealth-on-demand.