for the alchemist ready to DESIGN THEIR DREAM LIFE.

luxury alchemy

for the alchemist ready to design their dream life.

you're ready for your luxury era.

Luxury Alchemy™ is the ultimate upgrade to Manifestation.

It is a powerful process that will transform you on the inside in an extreme way until your aura is glistening. Until your unique Genius shines through. And the world begins to realize… you’re not like anyone they’ve ever encountered before.

When this luxury frequency oozes from your fingertips, you can create anything. Be anything. Do anything. Earn anything. And they won’t be able to get enough of you.

Until now, you’ve been doing “inner work” that has stripped you of your individuated essence.

Your hunger to shine bright as one of one, is ready to be satisfied.

It’s time to master the art of Luxury Alchemy™.



A 4-week intensive that will introduce you to the 4 archetype pairs that are holding your Power hostage, and deep training on how to precisely alchemize every single Shadow into luxury, so you can create the life + business you’re dying to experience.