Your Genius Archetype pair is....


The Body Channel

Your Genius is birthed in the Body channel of archetypes:
Victim, Warrior, Activator, Dishonorable Defector

Domains: Space, Boundaries / Limits, Resources, Strength, Body

Element: Earth

Numerology: 5, 9

The Victim archetype is your Shadow. You have trouble upholding your boundaries and saying No where necessary. Things overwhelm you when there’s a lot going on at once, and you blame life or other people for why you haven’t created what you want yet. You may also cling to a survivor story, not wanting to let that identity go for fear of not having a true message that people will be interested in. You struggle to create resources, support and help in your business and have a hard time trusting others – and yourself.

The Warrior archetype is your Power. When in your power, you are the master of resources. Your integrity means everything to you and you will never break your word to yourself. You have the backs of those important to you, and your own back when needed. Your boundaries structures are in the right places, solid and ready to receive abundance without break down. You stick to your boundaries which prevents overwhelm and sickness, and aren’t afraid to get into the details of things to make sure everything is running smoothly.

Zodiac: Virgo

Celestial: Mars

The Activator archetype is your Genius. When this unlocks, your integrity will evolve beyond the collective and become very personal to you. You will become the space for others to transform themselves in, and you will have a very activating presence. Your words will become magic spells. You will create healing in a variety of ways: herbs, music, art, bodywork. You will help others purify their space and body to make manifesting their goals much easier.

Zodiac: Gemini

Celestial: Mercury

The Dishonorable Defector archetype is your creative energy. This is the final layer of this channel – the “God Tone” if you will. Unlocking this will help you find and claim your own ground, your own body of work. You will shed the “so-called honor code” that most operate with and find your own. You’ll be a hero to yourself first and not overwhelm yourself with saving the world. Supreme integrity will be your go-to and no one will be able to move you one way or the other without you deciding where you want to go.

Zodiac: Libra

Celestial: Chiron

Business Alchemy School

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