The Portal to your Luxury Genius Frequency


This is the Business game you've been dying to play.

Here's the deal:

You’ve been REALLY fucking dissatisfied in your spiritual business up until this point. And every mentor you turn to? Keeps regurgitating the same old “Business Manifestation” tactics that have kept you trapped in a business that no longer makes you feels ALIVE.

You’ve been spinning your wheels trying to figure out how the fuck to quantum-leap to selling six-figure packages with ease (and finally to clients who GET IT). 
You’re tweaking your message constantly, launching those mini $27 lead magnets your marketing guru swears by, dumbing down your content to some 3-step Instagram reel for more engagement, hoping somewhere in that massive crowd you’ll find your diamond in the rough.
The problem? That’s not where your superstar clients are hanging out. 😉

You’re offering up your MILLION-DOLLAR GENIUS to people who are NOT designed to consume this Michelin-star meal. And it’s FRUSTRATING the hell out of you.
Here’s what your mentors and marketing gurus and business coaches don’t get:

You are not built for the masses.

In other words...

you are not mainstream.

No, you’re built for LUXURY. For the FEW who get your disruptive magic, and are willing to pay millions for it without question. You are HUNGRY for the ELITE, bespoke experience that you know exists but can’t seem to find anywhere. The kind of business magic that is meant for spiritual mavericks like you who REFUSE to sacrifice your brilliance on the altar of champagne-bubble-branding and bullshit affirmations.
And this is the ONLY place your iconic luxury Genius frequency is going to find its MATCH. Building an iconic luxury brand like yours doesn’t take time. It doesn’t take engagement farming, or crazy launches.
It takes SUBMISSION to this monstrous Genius, paired with Luxury sales & marketing training to unlock the dream clients + cash you’ve been craving.

Welcome to THE alchemical business school that will take you from "coach-next-door" to IRRESISTIBLE ICON in a matter of months. Where you don't just win the game (you've been "winning" at the same tired, old game for ages), but design a brand new one that's EXACTLY coded to the highest expression of YOUR spiritual work in the world.

My brand new modality (which has taken almost 10 years to build), will help you access & unlock the four MAGIC creative archetypes in your psyche - the ones that are responsible for creating the "mad / crazy / unimaginable / holy-shit-how-did-she-do-that" results in your business.

An iconic spiritual CEO requires these archetypes to be online in order for you to function at your HIGHEST magic potential; that high-octane, raw, Superconscious state that allows your Icon to stream through onto a business gameboard only you can design.

Kinda like Hogwarts for the business elite 😉

Get ready to...

  • Activate the ONE-OF-A-KIND BRAND OF MAGIC oozing out of you and package it into EPIC six and seven-figure offers for your clients.

  • Design an epic RE-LAUNCH of your brand out into the world that targets EXACT clients ready for your work at a higher level.

  • Experience high-level sales training and precise marketing magic to unlock a stream of high-paying clients on demand.

  • Access to rigorous, real-life training in the art of alchemy & archetypes that will make you the CODER & DESIGNER of every single situation in your life.

  • Be held to a high AF standard, and have your bullshit called out with a sharp blade until it has no choice but to surrender – so you can finally DELIVER the EPIC experiences your clients have been waiting for.

  • Align your business with the multi-million-dollar icon that resides within you via PRECISE instructions that result in DREAM high-paying clients.

From being unclear about what she was even offering, to $50,850 booked and $17,153 in cash in two weeks.

Emmy W. worked with Naveed & Sonika privately for a few weeks and the INSTANT change in Emmy’s results was remarkable. She signs a $14,000 client instantly on an offer that previously wasn’t selling no matter how hard she tried.

She launches her program, and finishes with $50,850 in total sales, and $17,135 in cash.

$100k sales month by activating the Warrior archetype

I need to tell you: right now I hit my first ever 100k sales month! I had to activate my warrior a lot two weeks ago, and this is what i did. But these last days i just knew they would come.– Laura C.

$47k in sales in two weeks.

Sonika and Naveed helped me to see clearly where I was holding myself back. As soon as I got out of my own way, I launched my new membership in 1 week + made $22k sales with it in 2 weeks. After averaging $12k per month for the previous 6 months. And sold 3 of my 1:1 packages in 1 week, with 2 Facebook posts.

In total, I made $47k sales, all within 2 weeks.

– Eva L.

$75k in sales, $30k in cash in less than 3 weeks

Today I celebrate my 3 x 1:1 Private Coaching Clients [at $25,000 each]. She is a perfect 1:1 client. And it is exactly how Sonika Asif told me, that, when I am confident enough I will do also business coaching as art like ecstasy.”

– Laura B.

$100k sales month, $72k in cash

When Gitte L. first came to me, she was exhausted, overworked, and had no fire in her. Selling $100 courses and barely earning enough to pay her expenses left her doubtful that someone like her, who loved teaching so much and never identified as a salesperson, could ever make it in this monstrous world of coaching.

Through rigorous sales wizardry training, Gitte crossed her biggest cash month ever at $72,000 (with six figures booked in for the year already).

She went on to have $100,000 sales month, a number she couldn’t even FATHOM was a possible reality for her at ANY point in her lifetime.

$30,000 launch from nothing

“My goal for the week was $22,500 and we hit it with 4 days to go. Magician collapses time like a MF.” – Sam D.

We worked on creating an offer for Samantha D. and designed a strategy, a name, and the exact frequency of the offer. Through the energy mastery process & following the exact steps we had given her, she launched her offer and sold out completely, ending up with $30,000 in one week. She went on to have a $61,000 sales day.

$60k in sales closed in 2 months (what she used to make in a year).

Working with Sonika and Naveed has changed my life and my business. I’ve worked with several coaches and I’ve never been activated deep within my DNA like I have by them. Each experience has continued to challenge me in ways that have resulted in invaluable growth in myself and my business, having the highest sales I have ever had. I made $60k in sales in the last two months. Before working with them I would make that in one year! They ignite true magic and wealth with precision that is unmatched. If you want to experience real alchemy and luxury then you need to be in their field.

– Tamara J.

Gold Track



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Diamond Track



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Meet Sonika Asif

Luxury Business Alchemist | CEO

After years of intense training under world-renowned spiritual & business mentors, Sonika was deeply exposed to the magic – and heavy flaws – of the spiritual coaching industry. She now runs her very own Luxury Empire Agency, a service designed to help spiritual CEOs own their Genius and launch luxury brands that set them apart from the mainstream coaching industry. Her agency combines bespoke brand expression, luxury sales & marketing training with cutting-edge energy alchemy to take the client from “coach-next-door” to “iconic visionary” in mere months.

Her new modality – Icon Work™ – has been refined for almost a decade and is a powerful tool that helps spiritual mavericks, luxury healers and Genius coaches craft & sell six and seven-figure offers with ease.

She is the ultimate business Gamer, the activator of ridiculous wealth and a launchpad for the next superstars of consciousness.

Meet Naveed Asif

Luxury Sales Genius | President

After years of diving deep into the Law of Attraction world and working with highly-trained sales mentors in the personal development industry, Naveed is here to disrupt the sales-status-quo and show you how he escaped his own mental prison of analysis-paralysis and countless days of waking up with anxiety trying to achieve sales goal after sales goal.

Today he has created his very own “Sales Spellbook” that has helped him and his clients close deals in the millions.

He is about the Art of the Sale. The elixir that morphs the buyer from a “Maybe” to a solid “Yes.” The custom, curated moment of silence before the deal closes holds the answer; and Naveed knows how to upgrade spiritual entrepreneurs from mere Salespeople to Sales Alchemists that design the sales conversation from start to finish. He is here to bring the Fool to the boardroom, the Alchemist to the negotiation table, and the world’s first “Archetypal Sales” training to your people.

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