business alchemy

High-Level Sales Magic + Iconic Empire Consulting

as seen in:

You're the unrealistic brat, the forward-thinking nuisance, the miracle-expector, the maverick at the adult's table.

And your entire fucking business career has been a SETTLING. Without the art, the myth, the magic, the legacy – and the very satisfying millions as a RESULT of that otherworldly empire.

Here’s the thing: You’re not okay with just being useful. You’re not okay with just “helping” people. You’re not okay with just the gold star from your mentor, and reaching the top of the mountain. You want to conquer your OWN universe. You want ART that satisfies your soul. You want to blow minds and create insane mutation in people, and find extreme levels of power within yourself. And boy are you hungry for the highest standards life has to offer.

You have an entirely new brand, business offerings, and iconic billion-dollar frequency waiting for you. You’re just fucking around with fulfilling your “duty” and you’re missing the spaceship that’s here to take you there.

Icon Mastery™ is the training academy designed to help you build an empire on this new circuitry. To honor your DNA intelligence and finally make your millions the iconic way.

Icon Mastery™

How do we do this, you ask? 😉

By putting you through a rigorous energy mastery training program that turns you into a priceless DIAMOND. We change YOU, so your sales go through the roof; and we pair this insane, cutting edge energy-mastery training with precise sales wizardry and marketing magic, so you kow EXACTLY how to apply it.

STEP ONE: Power Mastery – because your new Alien Iconic Self doesn’t care what success you’ve seen, if your energy tastes like shit… it ain’t coming online for you.

STEP TWO: Icon Mastery™ – This is the ultimate Academy training program, where you learn how to wave your very own magic wand and DIRECT the Universe to bring you EXACTLY the magic (and money) you want.