You have a luxury, million-dollar iconic frequency that is ready to take over your business and turn it into your dream empire. But knowing this Icon exists is not enough.

Your Icon also has an “animation code”.
This is a new layer to the game. The HOW to streaming your icon is here.
And now you can access YOUR ICON CODESTREAM, while having the Dream Team (Naveed, Sylvia and myself) on speed dial to FINE TUNE your frequency and weave it with your DNA to “re-launch” your business in its most ICONIC, multi-million dollar form.
The codes you will get access to in this container about you, your Icon and how your business + brand NEED to express itself in order for your Genius to SHINE and get paid exactly what you have a taste for, will BLOW YOUR DAMN MIND.
And all you will need to do…. Is push the “Submit” button over and over and over again as we give you the ultimate frequency makeover.
Your spiritual business doesn’t LIGHT YOU UP, because your “I need healing / shadow work / time / evidence / logic” human is taking up SPACE where you icon should be streaming.
And you’re constantly trying to alchemize that human into your Genius except – that’s NOT how it works.
It takes DELETION.
Which is what we will do. And then it all starts streaming.
Your icon will be seen, and then…. Your entire life flips into a gameboard. Cheat codes, power ups, all start to become SO OBVIOUS – and your business becomes a Luxury MAGIC Empire that you build by following the codestream.

Apply for Access

If your application is accepted, we will invite you to work with us.

This codestream experience is a month-on-month container that you can keep renewing as needed.

The investment is £10k / month + 10% of sales.

You can choose to renew each month as you wish.

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