Client Manifestation
After spending a decade studying privately with the world’s most knowledgable and experienced mentors on business, manifestation and spirituality – I can tell you there is SO much misinformation out there when it comes to applying this principle to business.
It drives me absolutely BONKERS that the same teachers preaching “ease and flow”, are the ones running heavily automated launches, hustling their butts off, and doing the heavy lifting… only to then target you with ads about “visualizing your client into being”.
I felt confused, lost, and frustrated as to why my empire-building dreams weren’t coming true when I was doing everything these very popular spiritual online coaches were telling me to do.
Not a single one of them truly understood what it meant to TARGET my business Shadow with stellar PRECISION.
Copy-pasting manifestation teachings from old-time spiritual gurus just isn’t going to cut it. Not anymore.
The main two things that I’ve applied to my business that drastically changed my life and created insane results:
I will introduce you to the 4 key Shadows that are cutting off your client flow and blocking your sales, and teach you precisely how to alchemize them into Power. I will give you the EXACT “truth switches” to use to activate your Power in these areas. We will also discuss the misinformation around manifesting in business, and how to precisely work with intuition AND strategy to get stellar results.
After so much frustration, nothing makes me more ecstatic than SIMPLIFYING manifestation by teaching you the power of Alchemy so it’s APPLICABLE to your life.
But don’t just take my word for it.
Here’s what my amazing clients have produced by busting their Shadow and massively upgrading their energy + precise action:
Million-dollar sale in 6 weeks after 4 years of trying.
“Within 48 hrs of receiving and offer we have sold our million dollar retreat after nearly 4 years of trying. In the last 6 weeks we have had more people look through it than in all those yrs (since the academy opened) Money codes activated thank you Sonika. This now gives me all the time , space and energy to allow our billion dollar concept to fully birth! Believing is Seeing!”
– Kerry B.
From being unclear about what she was even offering, to $50,850 booked and $17,153 in cash in two weeks.
Emmy W. worked with Naveed & Sonika privately for a few weeks and the INSTANT change in Emmy’s results was remarkable. She signs a $14,000 client instantly on an offer that previously wasn’t selling no matter how hard she tried.
She launches her program, and finishes with $50,850 in total sales, and $17,135 in cash.
$100k sales month by activating the Warrior archetype
“I need to tell you: right now I hit my first ever 100k sales month! I had to activate my warrior a lot two weeks ago, and this is what i did. But these last days i just knew they would come.” – Laura C.
$47k in sales in two weeks.
Sonika and Naveed helped me to see clearly where I was holding myself back. As soon as I got out of my own way, I launched my new membership in 1 week + made $22k sales with it in 2 weeks. After averaging $12k per month for the previous 6 months. And sold 3 of my 1:1 packages in 1 week, with 2 Facebook posts.
In total, I made $47k sales, all within 2 weeks.
– Eva L.
$75k in sales, $30k in cash in less than 3 weeks
Today I celebrate my 3 x 1:1 Private Coaching Clients [at $25,000 each]. She is a perfect 1:1 client. And it is exactly how Sonika Asif told me, that, when I am confident enough I will do also business coaching as art like ecstasy.”
– Laura B.
$100k sales month, $72k in cash
When Gitte L. first came to me, she was exhausted, overworked, and had no fire in her. Selling $100 courses and barely earning enough to pay her expenses left her doubtful that someone like her, who loved teaching so much and never identified as a salesperson, could ever make it in this monstrous world of coaching.
Through rigorous sales wizardry training, Gitte crossed her biggest cash month ever at $72,000 (with six figures booked in for the year already).
She went on to have $100,000 sales month, a number she couldn’t even FATHOM was a possible reality for her at ANY point in her lifetime.
$30,000 launch from nothing
“My goal for the week was $22,500 and we hit it with 4 days to go. Magician collapses time like a MF.” – Sam D.
We worked on creating an offer for Samantha D. and designed a strategy, a name, and the exact frequency of the offer. Through the energy mastery process & following the exact steps we had given her, she launched her offer and sold out completely, ending up with $30,000 in one week.
$12.4k sales day
OK, so whatever you told me to do worked, today I closed the second apprentice (couple for stepfamily coaching) at $8K, renewed a current Bach flower client (she didn’t even ask the price, it will $4.4K), had an inquiry about Santorini from a current Bach flower client (WTF), had 3 random new inquiries for dad work and just had a lapsed homeopathy client reach out after a year to start appointments again. This was a minimum $12.4K sale day even if nothing else pans out. This will be a 22.5K month.
– Tracy P.
$9k in sales closed in a week
When you strike the right tone, YOUR people can’t help but buy from you.
Literally, one week after making changes to her offer and showing her precise sales moves to make, Tamara J. sold 2 people for a total of $9K. This was a collapse in time – Creating maximum results with the least effort.
$5k sold “out of the blue”
I closed a $5,000 real estate blueprint “out of the blue” this week. I decided that’s the minimum price and held Empress energy. I had a coffee ‘get to know you’ date with a developer here, and she asked me if I’d could help her with a new vision so I offered the blueprint session and she was like “when can I do that? Where have you been all my life?” Fun!!!
– Shasta T.
Highest income month ever.
Celebrating my highest income month this year – and no launching of anything – magic – 15k this month – this is just the beginning!
– Jen V.
6x her salary & highest income month ever.
I started working with Sonika and I made almost 3 times my highest month. It was 6 times some of my highest income months when I worked for FedEx. And more than what I’ve made some years of my life. I’m just saying
– Devyani P.
5 calls booked in a week & 10K received.
Something invisible caught me into Sonika and Naveed’s world. Something powerful, like a call from my soul saying: “That’s what you’ve been looking for!” I created my first high-value membership. I increased my programs prices and started to sell again. I started to make things that I really want in my life matter and saw the magic show everywhere: new energy, new projects, old dreams waking up that are on their way to be manifested. Last week, I just casted a spell and got… 5 calls booked in a week! And in a few days after I casted the spell, I reached the 10k I had DECIDED to make this month! My income has suddenly increased again… I feel a new world / energy growing inside of me. What I love is the way these magicians / sorcerers allow us to take our true power 100%, just by being themselves without trying to get over anyone. No BS, no lie. Pure truth.
– Stephanie D.
$22,500 sales day.
We had one session with Lanie S., after which she took the very specific coded action to clean out her Facebook friends – which we of course identified on the private call.
24 hours later she sells a $15k package and then a $7500 package.
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