Business Archetype Challenge

Day One

Become A Business Alchemist

Day Two

Prostitute Archetype

Day Three

Child Archetype

Day Four

Victim Archetype

Day Five

Saboteur Archetype

Awaken Your Genius

Are you ready to experience the luxury of YOUR personal Genius frequency? Are you ready to finally stop mapping to the external world / your mentor’s strategies / outdated manifestation methods and finally unlock the unique blueprint within you that is craving to be expressed as a luxury that changes your life (and everyone else who enteres your space)?

This Academy + community has been designed PRECISELY for Luxury Mystics to upgrade their energy, and code their highest standards into their body – and therefore – their reality. Our goal together will be to unlock your Genius through astrology & archetypes, master the art of alchemy and get your body activated so not only do you bring magic to your own life, but become THE ultimate go-to for your clients.

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