the entitlement code of genius

(& why you need to unlock it to make millions in your spiritual business.)

I got really fucking sick and tired of mentors who felt threatened by my monstrous Genius -

so I claimed the throne and unleashed the beast myself.

Sonika Asif

Now before you try to tell me off for being disobedient, ungrateful and entitled, let me be the first to tell you that the ONLY way your spiritual gifts are going to make you millions of dollars (without sacrificing a drop of your soul in the process) is by OWNING the fucking crown of your Genius work to an extreme degree – whether that mentor who claims to want to help you achieve success – likes it or not.
Naveed & I are TRAILBLAZERS when it comes to sales, luxury and activating others into creating so. Much. fucking. money. For their gifts.
This Genius did not go unnoticed by the slew of mentors we hired to help us bring our own spiritual gifts and Genius to life. We were immediately asked to join forces with so many of them – and we knew exactly why. We can make ANYONE rich. In all the right ways. And the rich? Richer. We learned a lot, gathered a lot of codes, and went through a hell of an upgrade which we will always value deeply.
The only problem? They didn’t actually KNOW how to nurture a Genius quite like ours, without their own ego getting in the way. The more we earned for them, the more spotlight we received. The more spotlight we received, the more threatened they felt.
Suddenly it went from “look at these two superstars!” to “You don’t have enough experience, this should have MY name on it not yours, I need to cut your commission, they don’t have what it takes that’s why they left.”
We made them MORE money – millions and millions – and created more success for them than they’ve ever created for themselves. But we’re the problem. We’re riding THEIR coattails. They have the experience.
So it’s got to be us. We’re too much. Too young. No experience. Let’s tone it down. Let’s study some more, let’s give up the commission, the recognition and just put our heads down and master ourselves some more, since they’re telling us we’re missing something BIG here, clearly.
Except – something in my bones kept screaming at me that I wasn’t the problem here. I knew deep within me, that this is EXACTLY what True Genius IS. There is no evidence of it, it doesn’t give a flying fuck how old you are, and it doesn’t need PERMISSION from someone “older or more experienced” to be worth MILLIONS.
The only question was, would I be willing to go “MAD” and trust this instinct? Would I be willing to ACTUALLY claim that I have a POWERFUL Genius that went beyond what most of these mentors could ever give me, and go out on my own and finally provide spiritual Geniuses with a TRUE playing field that is WORTHY of them? One where I can ACTUALLY cultivate their Genius and help them get rich as fuck for their gifts, instead of wasting my Genius on these mentors who don’t practice what they preach?

Why Yes. Yes I would.

So I did it.

I created Lush Empires to be a space for anyone with a spiritual gift, transformational ability or healing magic to create exactly that – a LUSH empire.

Stepping into this field activates luxury codes like no other. You can’t help it but get rich from your own inner magic. Because it gives you the rich-brat-entitlement code & CROWN that you’re missing. The one you won’t even be able to locate elsewhere, thanks to current so-called “business training” for Geniuses like you being hellbent on sacrificing your potency and requirement for luxury every step of the way.

And you know it. You feel it. You don’t WANT to be for the masses, but yet you try. You get on Tiktok and Instagram reels and you try on the latest trend, and then gain the followers, and send out that free PDF, and sell that $27 masterclass, and then that course, and then that collab with the next “famous coach” on the block, and then that podcast, and your money grows and grows and grows… and then? 

…You’re in my inbox telling me how underpaid you feel, how dead you feel inside, how all your clients are wrong, how you’re not even doing the ACTUAL work you set out to do anymore, and how all you want is to FINALLY feel like the LUXURY you know you are (actual riches included). To finally see your REAL Genius making an impact and selling big at LUXURY prices.

But this industry wasn’t built for a Genius like yours.

Which is why you need to learn how to design your own gameboard. Why you need to learn to stream the 4 MAGIC archetypes in your psyche, that can turn you from mere avatar to GAME DESIGNER. 

Why Icon Work™ is the next game you need to learn to play.

And finally take back control and agency over your spiritual business that you’ve handed to.. Well… fucking everything else.

Welcome to Lush Empires. We’ve been waiting for you. Let’s activate your inner rich-brat and claim the throne. 😉